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Rabu, 20 Agustus 2008

Martial arts of inner power for self defense

Knock Down your enemy without
any physical contact just use inner power

Tridaya Inner Power martial arts for self defense can be said beneficial to everybody, male or female, because it is certainly needed for protection from criminal intentions of others, on the road or at home. Certainly, everybody wants to protect their property, children or beloved family from evil threats. Your Inner Power capacity can be thought of as multipurpose because it helps with health, recovery, self-defense and blessing.

Your unique martial arts for self defense inner power capacity can be used from a long distance. For example, it can be used if you want to protect your child at school, an employee collecting money from the Bank, to protect your car, motorcycle, residence or whatever. All those can also be conducted from close distance, as far as the eye can see, or even for longer distances at another city or country. In order to prove this, at the third level lesson you will prove it by yourself or with your friend, directly or from a long distance (outside town or abroad). Your capacity is not limited to space and time. Test it, yourself martial arts for self defense.

Healthy, prosperity, and safety constitute a chain which can not be separated that is required live peacefully and happily. Lack of one of those points will make our lives fearful and full of suffering.

Healthy + Prosperity - Safety = Frightened
Prosperity + Safety - Healthy = Suffering
Healthy + Safety - Prosperity = Poverty

If you ask me if I have experienced one of those three points -- frankly speaking :YES. I have had the experience of having throat illness for 8 years, my company ran bankrupt, and I even had an experience of being threatened at the traffic light when driving my car. Thank God I have been given a method to overcome the three classical problems of maintaining Health, Prosperity and Safety through Tridaya method of exercise. Besides that, my spiritual communication with God brought me closer and and caused me to live fully prosperous and happy with my wife and children.

I hope that Tridaya martial arts for self defense Inner Power, given by God to me, may give positive and beneficial effects to you and your family and friends in daily life and fill up those three points: SAFETY, HEALTH, and PROSPERITY.

Tridaya Inner Power Course teaches you how to protect yourself and others from criminal threats as well as protecting personal belongings like houses, cars, motorcycles or anything else without using any equipment -- just existing inner powers ( tenaga dalam ) already available within yourself. By doing so, "you yourself are a self defense and security product as well as a home protection and vehicle security product". And now, it can be Your Secret Weapon.

The advantage of Tridaya Inner Power may be said to have a multipurpose nature because it can be utilized for protection, health, recovery and success.

You may protect EVERYTHING (house, car, jewelry, safety box, TV, stereo tape, etc), ANYBODY (children, husband, wife, family and your friend) and ANYWHERE (outside town or abroad with no limits on the distance) by only using your outstanding Inner Power potential. Apart from that, your Inner Power can complement the security products you already own.

Alternative healer
It is also beneficial for those in the alternative healing profession using Pranic Healing, Reiki, Touch healing, Hypnotherapy and other alternative healings, because your power will have synergy with your other methods and multiply the chances of healing instantly.

Personal Growth
It is suitable for those who enjoy reading and learning:
- Creative visualization by Shakti Gawain. - The seven spiritual laws of success by Deepak Chopra.- Creating money by Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer.- The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale.- Law of Success by Napoleon Hill- The Secret Science at Work - Huna Method by Max Freedom Long - Dynamic Law of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder- Manifest Your Destiny by Wayne W. Dyer- Everyday Miracles by David Spangler- Dynamic of Success by Torkom Saraydarian- The Force and Miracles by Stuart Wilde- The Magic Power of Your Mind by Walter M. Germain- Dragon Magic by Lillian Too- Simple Spells for Success by Barrie Dolnick- TNT The Power Within You by Claude M.Bristol- Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz- Unlimited Success by Napoleon Hill's- Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins- and other self improvement books.

All the aforementioned books are good -- good for self motivation and as input on how to gain success by utilizing self motivation power. If you practiced the material in those books accompanied by your inner power, the outcome will be quicker since the books mentioned are like a trigger. What you also need is a power that can make your dream a reality.

For example, if you have a revolver and the trigger is pulled, you expect that the bullet should take off in the direction of the target (you are already motivated). But what if the shot doesn't hit the target? This happens probably because :

the bullet has not been filled with gunpowder (No power at all) or the bullet has been filled, but the amount of powder is not sufficient to get the bullet to the target (power not enough/powerless).

At level III, you will be given a lesson about this matter so that it will increase your capacity and power intensity. This will immediately realize your desires. This is not just theoretical such as the material in the above book titles, but actual understanding and direct practice that gives visible results.

Self-Defense Sport Practitionermartial arts for self defense trainer
Are you an athlete of a style like Karate, Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Qigong, Hapkido, Bushido, Aikido, Judo, Taiji, Wushu, Judo, Kempo, Ju Jitsu, Tai Chi Chuan, Sambo, Muay Thai, Hankindo, Jee Kune Do, Kick Boxing , Silat, or even a serious Practitioner of Martial Arts Inner Power or other self-defense art?

Tridaya Inner Power will provide added value to your self-defense art. For instance, a Karateka would find it easier to smash solid materials, and his power to hit would be multiplied. The best part is that, for those practicing a style of self-defense, you can practice the inner power techniques by themselves, and then practice them again along with your physical training.

2 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

The thing I love about martial arts is that it is excellent for people of all ages and gender. It keeps the body in great condition and it helps develop strength, self-discipline, and a positive self image. In terms of self defense, I think it is very effective as you are not going to need any tool to save yourself. Your skills would be enough to protect yourself from almost all of the bad elements that are going to come around.

Saundra Tosh

Sandy mengatakan...

Hi, I was wondering do you know Sifu John Chang, I want to get healing from Sifu Chang. I heard he live at Surabaya now, can you tell me where exactly so I can visit him. Thank you, contact me